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Katyana Morenike De Campos is from
Benin, Nigeria, Italy and Spain. her « religion » is Voodoo which is the most misunderstood religion in the world. Voodooist and spiritualist she would like to give you her thoughts about it.
« Voodoo is not black magic and witchcraft, but it is African spirituality », To understand African spirituality you must free yourself from your blockages, perception,… your own or the ones coming from the conditioning of society and do your own historical researches.
« Religions are to me, a tool designed primarily to uplift us, to understand our human life and our spirit. Religions give us all the importants basics and principles to understand the Universe… »
« African spirituality as Voodoo allowed and still allows me to rise spiritually and as a human, it has transformed my life in the most positive way. My faith, compassion, authenticity, my talents and my discipline are my greatest power. «

« Know that like many other religions or beliefs, Voodoo can be used by good or evil beings to do good or bad actions. »
Katyana chose to work with light, she is a lightworker and likes to compare her Voodoo work to Shamanism.
She makes her own products with her own ingredients from her own garden. She also uses Ancient rituals and Ancient prayers passed down from her Ancestors.
Before any Voodoo work, a reading is essential. Do not hesitate to contact Katyana for more information.